Over the past 3 years, we have seen incredible growth on the internet both in users and uses. The internet enables many small business owners to obtain customers Nationally and even Internationally for small amounts of capital. In addition, other internet technologies can increase business efficiency. Yet, many businesses are daunted by the prospect, and many small business owners make little use of the internet. Here are 8 tips aimed to help small business owners:
Create a website. There are lots of free packages out there to help you develop your own website. However, for relatively small amounts of money, it is well worth investing in the expertise of a web developer who can create a professional website to project the correct image for your company. Just as in all walks of life, there are good, bad, and indifferent web developers. Please carry out your own research by looking at other small business sites; most such websites link to the developer on the homepage with their contact details. As such, you should be able to contact the company that has developed your favorite sites.
Update your website. You have invested in a website; keep it up to date. Make sure your products or services are current. Update with recent news. Make sure that your website is being found in search engines. There is no point in having the best small business website in the world if no one knows about it! There are a group of IT professionals that specialize in this type of work. It is known as Search Engine Optimisation or SEO for short. Consider recruiting such help.
Consider internet adverts. Search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing, have their own versions of internet advertising. This will push more customers to your website.
Use Social Media. Millions of people use social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. These can be used to promote your business to a lot of people in little time.
Write a Blog about your business. Try to avoid writing sales articles, but offer people free helpful advice about services and products and build up a following who will hopefully turn to you in the future.
Use an online bookkeeping program. Again, such programs save you time and allow you to access your business’s books and records wherever you are in the world with an internet connection. Again, it is advised to check with your accountant to see what they recommend. It may even save on your accountant’s charges at the end of the year.
Use online banking. This will help you save time and keep a close eye on your business finances.