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iYogi Tech Support Review

I am not a computer geek, and this review is intended for people like me. Many technical support review examples on the web can make you learn, but most of them will not go any deeper than explaining through examples. Recently I had to ask for some technical support from iYogi for my PC, and my experience wasn’t that bad. I give huge credit to the technician been provided to me.

iYogi Tech Support Review 1

The review of my experience with iYogi technical support might be worthwhile too. Their support options can be pretty affordable. Their professional support “list price” is $ 169.99 for one whole year for remote tech support. My experience isn’t necessarily representative of the kind of support you will get, but you will definitely get an idea of how it works. All I can do is to educate people about the kind of support you will get.

Without any notice, I had this weird freezing of my computer. I was almost in the middle of important work, and suddenly my computer crashed. I called iYogi for help a few days back; I went through their website, and I found it pretty decent to ask for help, unlike another technical service provider (I don’t want to take a name, though). The technician was pretty helpful and supportive too.

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Tech support has always been a huge burden for most companies. But all you have to do is browse through the net for tech support newsgroups, iYogi has many of them, and then you can quickly realize that most customers don’t even know how to put forward their questions. Moreover, the mixture of different computers and other things makes any sharp and talented technician confuse and makes it impossible for them to resolve it.

Communication with the customers has to be really supportive, which u definitely get from iYogi. Technicians usually get carried away with their troubleshooting and sometimes cut off the customers when they speak or neglect their opinion of the issue because a user or customer only knows what it’s really about. Aside from this, an employee or technician should always be courteous and well mannered towards many customers because that’s their area. They should also make the customers understand the troubleshooting so that the user gets familiar with it.

A real good tech support person has a lot of knowledge and training, and it’s a valuable asset to ask for a good salary.iYogi does a lot to protect that type of talent and provide the essential and high-quality tech support that some people need. To respond to this, iYogi is taking advantage of the fact that there really are many iYogi people out there who are ready and willing and able to help the users. Some of them are the nicely paid tech support people with whom you might talk on the phone.

iYogi creates a website like a yogi, which makes it possible for customers or users to communicate well and select the right program or plan for themselves. So instead of forgetting the websites that helped us out from the soup, I suggest you make a bookmark of these websites, for issues are always around the corner.

Since I went for the one-year subscription plan, soon I received a call from a skilled technician over the phone. Though it took time for the technician to understand my problem, I still appreciate that I didn’t get that scripted response that we usually get for another free technical service provider, like after talking to those you feel like banging your head against the wall in frustration. Instead, the iYogi technician treated me like a customer but didn’t assume that I knew anything. This made it possible to zero in on what to do remarkably quickly. After checking a few obvious possible ways, we set a remote connection to my PC so that the technician could work directly on my box.

The short version of my story is that using emailed instructions, the technician got to me right after that and made me understand what was actually causing the problem.

Enough good knowledge taught by my technician was that when the computer cannot find an updated driver, it locks itself up and gets frozen. Therefore, the hardware drivers should be updated regularly. It also helps augment the computer’s RAM by increasing the PC’s virtual memory. RAM acts as a buffer to speed up access to your programs and files that are in use. Though all of your data is stored on your hard drive, RAM is much faster. Whenever your computer pulls up a file off the hard drive, it loads it into your system RAM so that it can continue to access it faster. The result is a much faster interface with your computer. The more RAM you have, the more programs and files your computer can keep stored in your RAM.

Since this is a virtual Basic site, I won’t be mentioning the brand name of my PC. However, if you are absolutely dying to know, email me. I’ll tell you everything. The technician updated my driver remotely, and I’m up and cranking again on my PC.

After my whole remote session, I have gone through their website minutely, and I learned that they have around 95% customer satisfaction. I will definitely like to mention what iYogi is good at; employees of iYogi are good at working under supervision or within a team. The technicians are good-natured personalities and affable character and also help the team morale and team work. Personal traits and characteristics can affect an individual’s output and teamwork much more than you can imagine. And they also leave a mark on customers mind.

If you roll your eyes towards the back of your head, you will realize that you are not alone in making complaints about their computer. There always a tsunami of customers commenting on iYogi’s forum about their technical support. Although there are few praising, and few are disapproving, maintaining all these by the technician and still giving you the satisfactory solutions is an appreciable job.

These guys diagnose the root cause of the errors with a device or hardware, and if it can be resolved by manual resetting, they will guide the customers through the step-by-step process. Then, they wait until the computer is restarted to ensure full resolution of the issue.

After speaking with the technician, I also spoke to his supervisor to express how much I appreciated my technician’s work. The technician has this amazing knowledge of the situation, the courtesy and respect he showed, and their diligence in resolving my problem was extraordinary and most commendable. I truly appreciated working with him, as I learned a lot from them. He was a real trouper, and quitting wasn’t a part of his character. iYogi should be very proud to have this staff member on your team and in your organization. It was a truly great job.

Getting online computer tech support has various benefits. One is that you save a lot of time and get your box fixed as soon as possible. Another benefit is that you get some training on how to fix the computer issue through their PC tech support guidance. Then, if the same predicament happens again, you would know what to do to fix it. Thereby saving you the costs of computer repair tech services.

I will also mention it’s amazing to get their 1-year subscription plan from iYogi, for which you have to pay once $169.99, and they provide you with the best technical support free of the cost of the whole one year. You have to make sure that your computer gets the support maintenance and true tune-up. It needs to perform well.

What best you can get customized technical support services at the time and place you want and at anytime 365 days. With the overall PC troubleshooting (as technicians call it) experience of around a decade, they not only give you a deal on tech support but also familiarize you with the workings of your darling machine.

The community is always willing to lend an extra hand, with discussion boards and Q&A services, forums, troubleshooting support may not be real-time or hands-on, but it is free and instructional.

The bottom line is that, in at least this one case, iYogi official technical support justifies the price as mentioned on their site and provides you with the best technical services round the clock.

Thomas Jon is an expert author of the Tech industry and contributes his valuable thoughts for IT industry readers. He has many published articles on technology and the internet. In addition, he loves gardening, reading, and spending time with his family.