Using negatively geared property has been a favorite of Australians to build wealth for a long time – and it is easy to see why with proven capital growth, the easy ability to borrow to fund property purchases, and a nice big tax refund at the end of the year.
But is this strategy still the best option now that SMSFs can borrow to acquire residential and commercial property? This article will compare each strategy and provide some insight to enable you to make a better-informed decision about your next (or your first) investment property purchase.
First Match – Financing:
To finance the purchase of your investment property, you are going to need to borrow. This means paying a visit to our friends at the banks. In Australia, the home lending market is dominated by the big players – and in regards to the loans available to SMSFs, it is no different. Leading the pack are Westpac, NAB, and St George. CBA also has a lending product – however, it is more restrictive than the others.
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The LVRs available when obtaining an SMSF loan compared to a normal investment property loan are slightly reduced – typically being 72% – 75% for residential property and 65% for commercial property. This will mean you will typically need a larger deposit if buying via an SMSF – however, for the majority of people, this is not going to be a problem as likely you will have more available in your super than sitting in your savings account.
In addition to the lower LVRs, the establishment and legal fees charged by the banks are significantly higher for a SMSF loan compared to a typical investment property loan. Once again, these additional costs can be offset by the additional superannuation monies you have available – i.e., and you don’t have to fund it out of your own pocket.
When it comes to the lending side – borrowing via a SMSF is always more expensive than a typical investment property loan, both in terms of the setup.
Negative Gearing: 1 SMSF: Nil
There is a compromise here, though. If you personally have enough equity available in other properties to fund some or all of the borrowings the SMSF requires to complete the purchase of a property, you can become the bank and lend to the SMSF. This is referred to as ‘member financing’ and can be used as a replacement or complementary to bank financing. This method substantially reduces borrowing costs.
Second Match – Taxation:
You are probably wondering what the taxation consequences are when comparing negative gearing against the SMSF purchasing a similar property? It works like this: A property is negatively geared when the total taxable income generated from the property is less than the total deductible expenses.
For example, if your negatively geared property cost you an additional $200 per week over the period of one financial year, your overall tax deduction (negative rental income) would be around $10,000. If your marginal income tax rate is 30% + 1.5% Medicare, you would expect a refund of around $3,150 at the end of the year. Overall you are still out of pocket by around $7,000.
If your SMSF held property with the same costs, you could salary sacrifice $200 of pre-tax income to cover the loan repayments and other property-related expenses. You do not pay income tax on any amount you salary sacrifice, so if that amount totals $10,000 per year – then just like the above example your tax saving is the same – but instead of paying the ATO week to week and then getting a refund at the end of the year, you are simply not paying tax on that money at all.
Now, as you may know, any employer ‘concessional contributions’ such as salary sacrifice into super are taxable by the super fund at 15%. However, the SMSF is also entitled to the same deductions relating to the property you are – meaning there will be a nil tax impact.
So, when you compare the strategies, the week-to-week tax impact is the same. However, when it becomes time to sell the property and realize the capital gain, the SMSF is the clear winner. If the property is held for more than twelve months, the SMSF pays 10% on the capital gain – so if the property were sold for $150k more than you paid, the SMSF would pay $15k in capital gains tax. By comparison, if you held the property in your personal name and have a wage income of $80k, the tax and Medicare payable would be just under $30k.
But wait – there’s more! If you hold the property long-term in your SMSF and commence a pension when you reach age 55, all the income (such as rent) and capital gains on assets used to support that pension (such as the property) are tax exempt. If $15k tax is better than $30k tax, then $0 tax is the Holy Grail.
Negative Gearing: 1 SMSF: 1
Third Match – Access to Funds:
Another important consideration is access to funds. Monies contributed to super must stay in super until at least age 55. By comparison, if you profit from selling an investment property held in your own name, the proceeds can be used to pay off your mortgage, credit cards, car loans, pay for a holiday, or buy a boat.
However, if your goal is to continuously build up a property portfolio to provide income for your retirement and intend to re-invest any gains you make into more properties, the fact that you can’t access the funds becomes less relevant.
As I mentioned, super monies must stay in super until age 55. If you are like me, that time is a long way off – but what about your parents? Chances are they are a lot closer or more likely over that magical age already.
There is a way for your parents to help you purchase your first investment property while simultaneously generating a healthy return on their money AND providing the means for you to legitimately unlock some of the equity you will build up in your SMSF investment property. To find out more about this fantastic strategy, you need to read my other articles and check out my blog via the link at the bottom of this article.
Negative Gearing: 2 SMSF: 2
Fourth Match – Deposit:
As previously mentioned, like most average Australians, you probably have more available in your superannuation than you do in your personal savings account.
Utilizing a SMSF to access this money as the deposit for an investment property means two things:
You can buy your investment property sooner
With the higher deposit, you are more likely to be able to buy a property that is cash-flow positive
Saving money for investment purposes is hard; it takes a long time, the earnings on those savings are typically low, and you get taxed on that interest to boot! Utilizing the super means you can get into the market sooner and start to build your wealth sooner.
So you are probably wondering how much is enough to get started? Well – it depends! Refer to my other article, “Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSFs) – How Much is Required to Set a SMSF Up?” for more information about how much is enough.
The ideal situation, in my opinion, with any property investment, is to find a property you can afford that has positive cash flow. This means the monthly income from the property is more than the monthly expenses. A good way to think about it is like this:
Q: If a property costs you $100 a month, how many can you afford to own?
A: Maybe two or three before it costs you too much
Q: If a property gives you $100 a month, how many can you afford to own?
A: As many as you can save a deposit for!
If you have read anything from Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad / Poor Dad fame, you will know exactly what I am talking about.
As previously mentioned, when borrowing through a SMSF, the banks require a larger deposit (i.e., the LVRs are lower). The silver lining with this is that with the higher deposit, you will be more likely to find a cash flow positive property.
Add the taxation impacts of depreciation and capital works allowances available via a quantity surveyors report, and you may even be positive cash flow but negative rental income for tax purposes!
So what if you do the sums and calculate that you are well short of what you need to purchase a cash flow positive investment property? If you find yourself in this position, I suggest you do the following:
Have you included the current super of you and your husband/wife / defacto? Combining both your current super balances into an SMSF may give you that larger deposit.
Are your parents willing to help you out? If they tip in an additional $20k, will this get you over the line?
Can you access some equity in your own home loan? You can either put in an additional contribution or loan it to the SMSF as a second ‘member financed’ loan in addition to the bank’s loan.
Read my other article, “Under 35? Five Simple Things You Can Do Now to Boost Your Superannuation Savings”
If you don’t have the money available now – look on the bright side – you can spend your time educating yourself, so when you have the money, you will make informed decisions.
Negative Gearing: 2 SMSF: 3
Fifth Match – Ongoing Costs:
When you own an investment property in your own name, you need to complete a rental property schedule as part of your yearly income tax return. Most people can do this themselves, or if they engage an accountant to complete their tax return, it simply adds a bit more to the annual fee they have to pay.
By comparison, a SMSF is a whole other entity. Your annual administration costs are typically between $1,000 and $3,000. There are ways to make your annual administration costs towards the lower end of this range, however.
Negative Gearing: 3 SMSF: 3
Sixth Match – Asset Protection:
Although this is probably not relevant if you are a typical salary and wage earner, asset protection is essential for small business owners (and future small business owners).
If you operate a business and have an investment property in your personal name, if someone tries to sue you, that property is at risk. By comparison, any assets owned by your SMSF are untouchable.