Top 10 SEO Tips **WARNING** -Do not apply the techniques below until you have read and understood the following paragraph. It’s really the most important!
SEO, Search Engine Optimization (optimizing a website to rank in the top 3 natural results of search engines) Is really all about one thing. CONTENT. Ever hear how content is KING? So when you are working on your website, always remember that the CONTENT matters most. You could apply each of these Top 10 SEO tips, have crappy content, and all of your SEO work would be worthless. So always make sure your content is great; this will keep Google happy, but also and most importantly, your readers/customers.
If the information you create makes people happy (great content), they will want to tell all their friends, making your content go viral. Of course, you will also need to focus on generating traffic to your website, but I will save that for another article.
Kyle’s Top 10 Tips
#1. Keyword in the domain name. A straight-on domain is the best, like if you want a site that is all about seo tips. If the domain name is taken, then use your keyword FIRST in the title of the domain like
#2. Inside URL. I love Rottweilers; not only would my domain name need to be, but when I write an article on how to train rottweilers, I would want to be positive that my keyword (how to train rottweilers) is in my URL.
#3. your Title Tag. The Title Tag is at the top of the page below your browser, where the actual TAB of the page is, like paper file tabs. You name your paper file tabs so you can know what is in them without opening the file. When you have multiple web pages open on a single browser having the Keyword in the title tag helps you know which page is what. The search engines love this because they see it as knowing your seo better than the others.
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#4. Heading Titles. Have your keyword at the top of the Headings of your paragraphs. In most cases, there are H1, H2, H3 tags, representing the headlines of all your content.
#5. Positioning. The keyword must be in the very first sentence and the very last sentence of your content. When the spiders and bots of the search engines crawl over your site, they only see the html code of your site. So when your article begins and ends with your specific keyword, it’s a great sign to the search engines that your content is relevant!
#6. Density. For your site’s SEO, aim for 2-5% keyword density. But overall, WRITE NATURAL! Don’t go overboard with keyword stuffing!
#7. Font Decoration. Make your keywords stand out by using bold, Italics, and underline your keywords. It doesn’t matter where at, but it helps the search engines define the content.
#8. Keywords In The Picture Titles. If you have pictures on your site, name the pictures with your specific keyword. For example, when I insert a picture into, I would also name that picture on my computer with the keyword images/seotipswithyou. Again when the search engines crawl your site, they will see relevant content even on your images making the site rank higher.
#9. Content-Length. Understand that Google’s number 1 goal is to please its customer. So making sure to have your content length just long enough to state your point clearly. Don’t fill your page with meaningless content to fill up space and make it longer.
#10. Page Load Time. Make sure to have your page load time as fast as possible. Google basically wants to end SEARCH! Their goal is to make sure their user finds the information NOW in a snap! The longer your site takes to load, the lower your score will be.
#11. BONUS. Keep your site clean! Keep your links intact, keep your site clean and orderly as if it were an actual person-to-person business. Links live the equivalent of keeping items stocked in your store.
These are some very real and powerful SEO tips for your website, but always remember that content is really the king! Many people will say they are the pro’s gurus and masters of SEO, but you will be sure to have your SEO bases covered by following these general guidelines.