In today’s modern technology, computer software requires enormous amounts of system resources and RAM. Microsoft Windows does its best to utilize what memory you already have installed; however, in many instances, that is just not enough to properly operate many programs. Therefore, windows will use something which is called Virtual Memory, which basically is just some allotted space that the computer will use when you do not have enough memory (RAM). If you are multi-tasking, you might actually end up encountering an error that will say, “Your system is low on virtual memory.” This article will explain a bit about that and give you some related computer tips on how to fix this error.
If you happen to notice that your computer is running sluggish, it could be that your system is low on virtual memory, and you may have to increase it. To do this, you first need to know some information about your computer and operating system. Windows typically allocates a certain amount of this memory by calculating how much actual RAM you have. It will then create the page file to use with this calculation; it must also consider how much memory the operating system will need; different versions of Windows use different amounts.
Another simple solution is to clean your hard drive up a bit, as Windows will automatically try to use bits of it to create virtual RAM. Windows software can not actually differentiate between what is the actual RAM-based memory and what is the Windows-created “virtual memory.” If you have enough space on your main drive, then this could easily resolve the error. Before you change the settings via your control panel, you should run disk defragmentation. If the virtual memory will be placed on your hard drive, it will work more efficiently if the bits are contiguous and not fragmented all over.
Steps on how to change your virtual memory settings are as follows:
1. On your desktop right mouse, click on “My Computer,” then go-to “properties.”
2. Click the “advanced” tab, and click the “settings” button in the performance section.
3. At “Performance Options,” click the “advanced” tab
4. Click the “change” button in the virtual memory section.
5. Select the option “System managed size”
6. Click on Apply or OK till back to the desktop.
If these simple solutions do not work, another option that is quite effective and will eliminate the error message “your system is low on virtual memory” is to add more RAM to your computer system. These days RAM is quite inexpensive. Unfortunately, this is not always applicable because, at times, you already might be using the maximum amount of ram allowed on your motherboard.
If all this fails and you still are receiving the message “your system is low on virtual memory,” you may want to note what you are doing when this error occurs. For example, it could be that a program you are running is causing a conflict within the system that could be buggy or corrupted.
If your computer is slow and sluggish, and you have been receiving the message ” your system is low on virtual memory,” please visit the Computer Too Slow website for information on ways to rectify this problem with free computer tips and solutions.