
Apps That Google Play Turns Down: A Guide for Every Android App Development Company

If I ask you to name the must-go place for every Android user, hardly anybody would make an error by deviating from Google Play. The official app store of Android is getting bigger and bigger with every passing day. The number of app downloads went up from 1 billion in August 2010 to 65 billion in May 2016. Definitely, the success can be attributed to the incessant effort of every Android app development company and its developers. However, the way to Google Play is not easy. In fact, it’s getting tougher with every passing day. Google demands more commitment to quality from every Android mobile app development company. Here is a list of content materials that are not accepted by Google in the submitted apps.


Sexually Explicit Content Companies in Android development should avoid building apps with content materials depicting sex acts or sexually suggestive poses, promoting sexually explicit user-generated content or content showcasing, describing or encouraging bestiality, or marketing sex toys. Child Endangerment Google not just turns down apps containing any child sexual abuse materials but also exercises legal measures. Google Accounts of such app development companies are also seized. Violence, An Android app development company, should refrain from building apps containing or depicting any gratuitous violence or other dangerous activities, for instance, app content depicting realistic violence or violent threats to any person or animal, terrorist groups or their attacks, violent activities, including bomb- or weapon-making or instructions on how to create bombs or suicides.

Bullying and Harassment In no way, an Android app should facilitate or encourage threats, harassment, or bullying. Apps relying on user-generated content (UGC) should also adopt the right review process to stop such digital content. Posts, comments, or photos within an app aimed at harassing or ridiculing a person are not rejected. Hate Speech Google Play loves peace, and so should include developers; after all, they are not different from the rest of society. They should not build apps advocating inflammatory speeches against groups of people targeting their origin, religion, disability, gender, age, sexual orientation, etc. Sensitive events Businesses trying to capitalize on natural or any kind of tragedy linked to an individual, group, or society will find Google Play harsh. Hence, Android app development companies should not waste their time and resources on such apps. Gambling Google Play is not the right place for apps linked with gambling, including online casinos, sports betting, lotteries, etc.

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Even if the app redirects users to a different site or app, it would be considered a violation of the Play Store conducts. Illegal Activities Apps depicting or encouraging illegal activities like the sale or purchase of banned drugs or prescription drugs without a prescription, consumption, or marketing of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco by minors are certain to get declined by Google Play. I hope the information was useful. No matter where we come from, we should support Google and build a peaceful and progressive society. If you are an Android developer, don’t build such apps; if you are the user, don’t download such apps, and if you are from any law enforcement agency, don’t adopt any soft corner for people or companies behind such apps or content.