When you are marketing your products or services, you really need to follow the trends not to be left behind in this growing world. To be successful with your plans, you must take a path along with the development of technology. Therefore, your marketing strategies must be based on how technology is developing so that you can catch up on the newest happenings and allow your business or organization to be on its optimum level. Here are 5 marketing trends to boost your campaigns this 2016.
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Influence of Pictures In the past years, the importance of pictures is incredibly increasing. Many people in Social Media are more likely to post pictures than using statuses to express their feelings. People can understand something better if they see something than just reading a very plain text. Using pictures to market your product is one of the trends in the year 2016. It will improve your campaigning plans because people enjoy more and understand more when they see pictures plus texts than just providing plain texts without any artful background. A very great idea is to use eye-catching and high-resolution images to attract people easily. Videos Rules Videos do entice people, especially if the video is very presentable. Researchers found out that online video watchers are exceedingly increasing. Following the statistics of online video watchers, they are expected to be doubled by the year 2016.
This is why videos are being essential when it comes to marketing. Using Social Media to advertise your videos is vital for your campaigns to be successful knowing that many people can view them from time to time. When creating videos, be sure that they only last for just a few seconds. Don’t put too much on your videos. They shouldn’t be very specific, but they must contain the story of the whole product or service to understand and enjoy it. Advertising through Mobile As you plan your strategies for marketing, you should consider mobile phones. Know how your designs will be viewed on mobile phones. Since many people nowadays are fonder of using their android phones rather than laptops or computers, the designs of your ads must be seen well on mobile phones to give a wonderful experience for mobile users.
Fast Growing Social Media Around 5 years ago, Facebook becomes more important than any other kind of Social Media website. Today, many other fast social media sites are growing fast, and the time may come that they may be more popular than Facebook, and placing your ads on these sites is an important strategy to boost your campaigns this 2016. Examples of these sites are Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Mobile Payments In the previous paragraph, it is mentioned that mobile phones are becoming much more important than before. Everything that can be done to give convenience to your customers is an important marketing strategy. Mobile payments nowadays are becoming popular. They are more convenient than ATMs because customers don’t need to find ATMs to get cash. They have to use their mobile phones, which always in their pocket, to pay for the product.